It enables to add/delete or edit the VPN servers and setup the VPN servers automatically.
Affordable, cheap prices based on monthly, quarterly and yearly subscriptions.
Customers zone for managing their bills and services.
Admin zone for managing the servers, products, subscriptions, clients and resellers.
To create, update, suspend, terminates the accounts automatically.
To charge the users on a monthly/quarterly/yearly basis, incorporate a payment scheme.
To charge the users on a monthly/quarterly/yearly basis, incorporate a payment scheme.
To charge the users on a monthly/quarterly/yearly basis, incorporate a payment scheme.
To charge the users on a monthly/quarterly/yearly basis, incorporate a payment scheme.
VPN CMS dashboard for complete automation of VPN subscriptions, details, update, delete etc You can check the details of sales, registered users, active subscriptions, online users and graphical representations of all check and balance.
Admin area to have complete check and balance on website. Admin will have all the access to the website. He may add, delete, update Subscriptions and users as well. He will have fully control on the website.
Add, delete or update VPN accounts/users. You can manually add/delete the accounts as well as add/delte bulk of acccounts.
Have complete detail of every accounts. You have the complete detail of users such as Username, login email, subscripton etc.
Add, delete, update resellers account.
Complete detail of resellers account.
Have check and balance on servers. You may add or view the servers.
Have complete detail of customers subscription and account.
Get complete subscriptions history.
keep an eye on sales detail.
Manage site according to your own taste.
You can change pricing and plans.
Keep an eye on newsletters email for better service of your product.